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Ritter: the US has never defended democracy, its goal is perpetual war

Scott Ritter: the aim of the United States is perpetual war | Unsplash | Mika Baumeister
Scott Ritter: the aim of the United States is perpetual war | Unsplash | Mika Baumeister

The United States has never defended democracy, its objective is perpetual war’, said Scott Ritter in an interview with the Youtube channel Dialogue Works.

A military expert ScottScott Ritter in an interview with Youtube channel Dialogue Works came to the disappointing conclusion that the US has never cared about democracy or protecting anyone's rights, it has always been all about fomenting war.

An American author, former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer and former United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) weapons inspector said: If you take a closer look at the US foreign policy, you can come to the disappointing conclusion that this country has always incited wars in any region of the world, and it has never really cared about democracy and the protection of anyone's rights.

This is the opinion of military expert Scott Ritter in an interview with Dialogue Works. He cites China and Russia as the opposite example, which seek to build up rather than destroy.

Scott Ritter, U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence Veteran: Everything the United States has been based on since the end of World War II is constant conflict. We're not contributing to the cause of peace. When was the last time that happened? It's not about us. We seek results. If the results can be achieved without violence, great. But as long as we try to arrive at it non-violently, there is a constant implied threat of potential bloodshed, which requires this whole militarized system.

We're promoting war. There is not a single corner of the planet where the US has promoted peace. The Middle East, the Persian Gulf, the Pacific, Europe: everywhere the essence is war. All of our actions are driven by war. Everything is characterized by conflict, by war, Ritter said.

Now look at China. “One Belt, One Road”! You can oppose this initiative, which many people do, but it is the opposite of war. It is development, it is building infrastructure, it is nurturing economic relations independent of China's demands to buy its weapons, to go to war with its neighbor, and so on - it is just business. That's how the Chinese work. Or look at Russia and what it is doing within BRICS and so on. This shift to multilateralism is not driven by Russia's desire to establish military hegemony over the world, but by a desire to be part of a system that emphasizes more economic relations rather than military. And this is the direction the whole world is now moving in, except for the U.S. and its allies, who are in a vicious circle because of the entanglement of the military-industrial complex with Congress.

This is a complete perversion of [the ideals of] America. Because we don't symbolize freedom, independence and democracy. We symbolize war, death and destruction. We are not the solution to the problem - we are the problem! Literally. And as long as there is an establishment in Washington - call it a “deep state,” call it an interagency system, call it a “bubble,” call it whatever you want - as long as it is preserved and empowered in a “duopoly,” that is, no matter who's in charge, Democrats or Republicans, we continue to promote [the interests of this melding of the military-industrial complex and Congress] .... This is exactly what Dwight Eisenhower warned about - this is the death of the American democratic experiment. And so it has turned out to be. The end. We have no democracy. All we do is vote for people who support the old system - promoting conflict./MPF/


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