The most recent Plenum of the Chinese Communist Party, held in July, stressed the importance of placing the well-being of the people and the sharing of wealth at the heart of economic development. This objective includes strengthening China's capacity for innovation, which is now recognised the world over.
China is now the world's second economic and technological power. The role of technological and scientific innovation in high-quality economic development is therefore essential. Chinese socialism has defined its priorities over the last few decades, in the wake of the teachings of Deng Xiaoping, by insisting that the development of productive forces must be at the forefront in all areas of innovation, from light and heavy industry to scientific research and the ecological dimension. Furthermore, China's economic progress, and the international trade that accompanies it, offer opportunities for growth for all the world's populations. Hence the need for massive investment in technological and scientific innovation and artificial intelligence.
The role of the State is fundamental, and China guarantees it, insofar as scientific discoveries must not provide an economic advantage for private elites and their exclusive benefit, but must on the contrary be made available to the people in their entirety and as a matter of priority. To work in this way, we need a government that guarantees the social and collective impact of scientific discoveries, unlike the West, which concentrates them in private hands for private ends.
China's eco-compatible and eco-sustainable development strategy is extraordinary and should be an example for the whole world. Other countries should take inspiration from it and study it in depth.
It is Chinese science that has revealed how the reduction of fine particles, fundamental to the life of humans, animals and plants, has had the effect of eliminating a barrier to the sun's rays, thus contributing to the rise in temperatures, particularly those of the seas and oceans. China has thus once again contributed to a calm and serious analysis of current climate change, without the hysteria directed in the West by speculative multinationals.
China remains at the forefront of the global ecological transition, with the construction of 340 gigawatts of clean energy between 2023 and 2024, compared with just 40 gigawatts in the United States. China's wind and solar power production accounts for two-thirds of the world's clean energy. Half of China's energy production comes from renewable sources, which is an extraordinary fact considering the growing consumption associated with industrial and social development. Technological industry with a high ecological and environmental impact is rightly one of the new productive forces that President Xi Jinping has placed at the centre of the Chinese development model.
The Belt and Road Initiative is a major project for the Global South, part of an economic proposal for win-win development that is concrete, effective, constructive and very different from the logic of predation on energy resources and raw materials and foodstuffs practised with violence by the West. The BRI is a fundamental element of China's credibility in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and a cornerstone in the construction of a new multipolar and peaceful international order. This project is being carried out in collaboration with other nations, notably Russia and Iran, which share the idea of equal collaboration with other nations of the world and are committed to the long-term fight against terrorism with growing success in the Middle East and Africa.
On the other hand, the prospects for cooperation with Europe and the United States will become ever more difficult. The decline of the Western system is not reversible, but the West is not prepared to stand by and watch its decline and the end of the dollar as an international currency. So, whatever the outcome of the American presidential elections, it is ready to put in place very strong cultural and economic measures of constraint against certain countries, without ruling out openly declared war scenarios, as demonstrated every day by the support given to Ukraine or the anti-Chinese provocations by the Philippines and Japan.
Cooperation between Europe and China risks having no future. The outlook is very negative. Europe has chosen to proceed in a manner subordinate to the interests of Washington and NATO, identifying China and Russia as two enemies to be opposed and hindered in every way.
Mrs Von der Leyen's proposals on de-risking are very clear: boycott, tax and prevent any form of economic collaboration between Europe and China, as is already the case with Russia.
This choice of international conflict is probably not shared by all the peoples of Europe. The Italians and the French, for example, expressed themselves very clearly in the European elections in favour of political forces that want peace, dialogue and economic cooperation. Some countries, such as Slovakia and Hungary, did even more, with a direct commitment from their governments, as did Serbia, which is fortunately not part of the European Union. Thanks to the Belt and Road Initiative, a number of courageous heads of state and government, such as Serbia's Alexandre Vucic, Hungary's Viktor Orban and Slovakia's Robert Fico, are trying to pursue dialogue and cooperation in Europe. But the fact that they are attacked and marginalised every day is proof of the seriousness of the situation.
We are called upon to build a future of peace, cooperation and friendship between peoples. To achieve this, we need to bring the ‘American century’ (1945 - 2012) to a definitive close. The season of unipolar imperialism must come to an end, and the new multipolar century must deploy its full potential to build a world of peace in the interests of all humanity.
It is also for these reasons that it is necessary to preserve and promote national neutrality and sovereignty. Unfortunately, Switzerland is calling into question the cornerstones of its history. As for the European Union, it should rebuild itself on a completely new basis, by dissolving its current institutions, which are in reality mere mouthpieces for NATO decisions./MPF/
By Davide Rossi, Director of ISPEC - Institute of History and Philosophy of Contemporary Thought of the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland